Non-destructive building diagnostics - Poster Session
Fri, 28.06.24, 10:00-11:30, 13:30-15:00,
GBII EG middle zone
Dissertation Fabian Guhr
Sensitivity and Optimization of Damage in Forming Processes - Academic and Industrial Challenges
Tuesday, 18.06.24, 14:00, HGI HS1 Campus Süd
Presentation seminar projects Engineering with Ansys
Wed, 06.03.24, 14:00, GBII, EG, R111
Seminar professor Ganghoffer
Wed 06.03.2024, 10:30, GBII, R111
Periodic homogenization towards generalized continua and analysis of surface effects
Conference on structural analysis and construction practice
Presentations and 2nd prize in the young talent plenary session for Simon Loske
Master thesis Kira Peper
Wed 29.11.23, 13:00
Theory and FEM of a micromorphic continuum - mechanics and application potential
Bachelor thesis Ariana Hargesheimer
Wed 08.11.23, 14:15
Aufmaß und Datenverarbeitung mechanischer Widerstandswerte unregelmäßiger Vollquerschnitte
Presentations at the ICBBM
Simon Loske and Jan Wulf present their research at the ICBBM (Fifth International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials) in Vienna.
Article in mundo
Under the title "Playing Lego in a different way", an article about the work of the Continuum Mechanics working group was published in mundo