Adaptive Learning Environment in Dynamics as OER - ALFDYN
For the ALFDYN project, the TU Dortmund, TH Cologne, University of Duisburg-Essen, RWTH Aachen and the HochschuRuhr West University of Applied Sciences have joined forces to provide students with more targeted support in their learning process in the subject of dynamics. The partners have set themselves the goal of designing a learning environment that enables individual teaching and learning processes. This implies that first of all a correspondingly broad selection of different learning formats is generated in order to be able to serve personal needs at all.
However, individualization also means that a diagnosis of learning barriers and learning behavior is necessary, for which students must of course be ready. But this is where the project is particularly exciting and important, because we need new tools, especially in the area of digital teaching, to get the interaction between the provision and use of teaching materials. To this end, we propose that students first assess themselves in terms of motivation and knowledge level, and the learning platform subsequently offers and analyzes self-tests again and again in order to suggest the next learning step. In addition, the platform will request feedback on the formats in order to develop them further. The diagnostic tool will not be a prerequisite for using the content - access is independent of it. However, those who use the diagnosis and intercation will at the same time also contribute to the improvement of the teaching processes.

Consortium composition
The ALFDYN project is a collaboration of TU Dortmund, TH Köln, Universität Duisburg-Essen, RWTH Aachen and Hochschule Ruhr West. The following actors contribute significantly to the creation of the content:
- Prof. Dr. -Ing Ingo Münch (Technical University of Dortmund, consortium leadership).
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Carolin Birk (University of Duisburg-Essen)
- Prof. Dr. -Ing Hannelore Damm (Cologne University of Technology)
- Prof. Dr. -Ing Ansgar Neuenhofer (Cologne University of Technology)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing Daniel Jun (Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences)
- Prof. Dr. -Ing Marion Gelien (Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sven Klinkel (RWTH Aachen University)
In total, about 1000 students at the participating universities will be addressed by the materials.
The learning content
In order to familiarize the students with the contents of the subject dynamics, the entire material is divided into 8 learning contents.
- Kinematics of the mass point
- Kinetics of the mass point, -system
- Kinematics of rigid bodies
- Kinetics of rigid bodies and mass moments of inertia
- Free vibrations (natural frequency, damping)
- Forced vibrations (resonance)
- Modal analysis
- Response and design spectrum (earthquake design according to EC 8)
The course contents are worked through by the students one after the other. At the end of each topic block, a learning assessment is provided, which gives feedback to the students and determines the individual learning path.
The individual learning path results from the recommendation of different formats, which are created for each learning content. Depending on the learning behavior and progress, students are suggested more receptive and reactive or independent and active roles. The following formats are available:

Current status - February 2023
The materials of the first learning content "Kinematics of the mass point" are finished. The motivational video, which deals with the H-track of the TU-Dortmund and the soccer shot, can already be viewed on under the following link. to the video