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Fakultät Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen

Are you looking for a Bachelor or Master thesis?

Windrad - CAD Modell © Ingenieure ohne Grenzen

Bachelor's or Master's thesis on the wind power project of the Ruhr Regional Group

Description of the task:

Concepts for the tower construction as well as the static design for a small wind turbine are to be developed in the context of development cooperation. By means of a model study, questions regarding the anchoring in the ground, possible tower constructions and materials are to be answered.

  • Research of existing tower concepts and elaboration of the respective advantages and disadvantages
  • Static calculation for loading by self-weight and wind load
  • Parametric model for the design of tower concepts (e.g. material, wall thicknesses, etc.)
  • Risk assessment for strong wind events
  • You can find out more about the project via this link:

If you are interested in this work, please contact Simon Loske via email.