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Fakultät Architektur und Bauingenieurwesen
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter

Dr. Navina Waschinsky


Lehrstuhl Numerische Methoden und Informationsverarbeitung:  April 2015 - Februar 2021


Structural Optimisation of Diffusion-Driven Degradation Pro­cess­es.
Dissertation, Technische Uni­ver­si­tät Dort­mund, 2021.


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Foto der Mitarbeiterin © Detlef Podehl ​/​ TU Dortmund


  1. Waschinsky, N., Barthold, F.J. and Menzel, A., 2021. Structural optimisation of diffusion driven degradation processes. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 1-15, 10.1007/s00158-021-02900-8.
  2. Waschinsky, N., Barthold, F.J. and Menzel, A., 2019. Optimisation of Diffusion Driven Degradation Processes. PAMM 19.1 (2019), 10.1002/pamm.201900182.
  3. Ricken, T., Waschinsky, N., Werner, D., 2018. Simulation of Steatosis Zonation in Liver Lobule—A Continuummechanical Bi-Scale, Tri-Phasic, Multi-Component Approach. Biomedical Technology (pp.15-33), 10.1007/978-3-319-59548-1_2.
  4. Waschinsky, N., et al., 2017. On a Tri‐Scale and Multiphase Model for the Description of Perfusion coupled to Fat Growth Effects in Liver Tissue. PAMM 17.1 (2017), 10.1002/pamm.201710083.
  5. Christ, B., et al., 2017. Computational Modeling in Liver Surgery. Frontiers in physiology 8, 10.3389/fphys.2017.00906.
  6. Waschinsky, N., et al., 2016. On a bi‐scale and tri‐phasic model for the description of growth in biological tissue using the example of the human liver. PAMM 16.1 (2016), 10.1002/pamm.201610043.